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Advertising Needs Common Sense



Yes, you heard it right. Even before using your technical knowledge about any Advertising Platform or Social Media and its advertising tools, one needs to use his Common Sense. This article may surely help you if you are planning to start a new advertising campaign online. Below, I am sharing my thoughts on how and why Common Sense can help you in Advertising and hence produce greater Results.

1. Common Sense on choosing your right target audience.
It may not be as simple as you think. Too much study and thinking may bring you at a halt. So, be calm and serene when you want to start advertising. First step is to choose the right audience.

2. Common Sense to choose the right platform where your target audience is.
Now, you have chosen your right audience. Next, use your common sense where is your audience whom you want to advertise to. Think beyond the web. Your common sense will guide you.

3. Common Sense to think the way they think – what interests them.
It is not very common that everybody uses their common sense. Well said “Common Sense is not so Common”. If you know your target audience and where you can find them, use your common sense to think like them. Everybody who is looking to buy for a new gadget is not always looking for it. He has other interests too, take a guess what are those other activities which interests them. There you’ll find your clues. Use the clues to relate them to their behavior and interests which will help you a lot.

4. Common Sense to promote in the right way.
The right way to reach out to your target audience is very important. The platform you chose, will it offer you the flexibility to promote your product or service in your desired way? If it does not then it means that you are not on the correct platform. That is common-sense.

5. Common Sense to deliver your message in the right way.
You chose our target audience, platform and the right way. And now, you need to make sure that that your advertisement delivers the message in the right way. This means that you use your common sense to create the advertisement in such a wonderful way that your message is clear to them, interests them and generates a need.

6. Common Sense about promoting the products you sell or services you provide.
Till you are a big hit in the market already, its only ‘you’ who knows the best about your products or services. Tell people what makes it unique. As the competition is very high now a days, there might be thousands of similar businesses as yours but you have to use your common sense to think in a way which makes you unique and stand above your competitors.

7. Common Sense to expand, see your target audience behavior.
Yes, even after everything is done well, you need to see how your target audience reacts. You might get hundreds of inquiries in a day but only few sales. Why? Use your common sense to figure out what might be wrong which is not converting them into sales. Never forget that sales are unpredictable but your common sense will really help you get closer.

8. Common Sense to reach beyond your target audience & turn them into your clients.
All successful businesses want to expand and many does. Where are they getting new clients from? They do not have any kind of machines which generates new people for them who want to purchase their services or products. But yes, they do think differently and take the right approach to generate the need beyond their audiences. It is common sense that if a person buys a product, his friends or family may also be interested in it. So, plan how to reach out to them.

9. Common Sense to decide how much you need to spend on advertising and is it worth?
You created a huge budget campaign. But is it really worth spending so much on it. It is not always required to let the experts handle your advertising solely. Don’t go by the words of your Ad Agency, because you have to use your common sense to figure out that whether is it giving you the required output and are your happy with your return on investment. If it doesnt, change the campaign or may be the platform even.

10. Common Sense to always think that everybody is not online always.
Yes, everybody is not online always. Many of them could be your potential clients. Think how can you reach out to them. Just an example: you cannot advertise to a person via a notification who doesn’t even have your mobile app installed. Use your common sense to think of different ways and platforms.

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